Strategies for Handling Returned and Undeliverable Patient Statements - I-conic Solutions

Strategies for Handling Returned and Undeliverable Patient Statements

Welcome to our July edition! This week, we tackle a critical aspect of patient communication that can significantly impact your practice’s revenue cycle management—handling returned and undeliverable patient statements. Effective strategies can enhance your cash flow, reduce administrative burdens, and improve patient satisfaction. Let’s dive into some key methods to manage this challenge efficiently.

1. Verify Patient Information at Every Visit

Why it matters:

  • Ensures up-to-date contact information.
  • Reduces the chances of statements being sent to incorrect addresses.

Implementation Tips:

  • Ask patients to verify their address, phone number, and email at every visit.
  • Encourage patients to notify your office of any changes in their contact details promptly.
  • Utilize electronic health record (EHR) systems to capture and update patient information accurately.

2. Utilize Advanced Address Verification Tools

Why it matters:

  • Helps in identifying incorrect or outdated addresses before mailing statements.
  • Minimizes the number of returned statements.

Implementation Tips:

  • Invest in software that cross-checks patient addresses against national databases.
  • Integrate address verification tools with your billing system for seamless updates.
  • Regularly audit the verified addresses to maintain accuracy.

3. Embrace Electronic Statements

Why it matters:

  • Reduces mailing costs and the likelihood of undelivered statements.
  • Provides patients with immediate access to their billing information.

Implementation Tips:

  • Encourage patients to opt for electronic statements during their initial registration and follow-up visits.
  • Implement secure patient portals where patients can view and pay their bills online.
  • Send email or text notifications to alert patients when new statements are available.

4. Implement a Proactive Follow-Up Process

Why it matters:

  • Helps in quickly resolving issues with returned statements.
  • Ensures patients are aware of their financial responsibilities.

Implementation Tips:

  • Assign staff to monitor and follow up on returned statements.
  • Contact patients via phone or email to obtain the correct address.
  • Utilize automated systems to resend statements once the correct information is obtained.

5. Educate Your Patients

Why it matters:

  • Enhances patient understanding of the importance of providing accurate contact information.
  • Reduces future instances of undeliverable statements.

Implementation Tips:

  • Provide informational brochures or digital content explaining the billing process and the importance of updated contact information.
  • Train your front office staff to educate patients during their visits.
  • Use your practice’s website and social media channels to reinforce these messages.

6. Leverage Data Analytics

Why it matters:

  • Identifies trends and common issues leading to returned statements.
  • Allows for targeted improvements in your billing process.

Implementation Tips:

  • Use data analytics tools to track and analyze returned statement patterns.
  • Implement corrective actions based on insights from the data.
  • Regularly review and refine your patient communication strategies based on analytics findings.


By implementing these strategies, your practice can significantly reduce the number of returned and undeliverable patient statements, ensuring smoother operations and improved revenue cycle management. At I-conic Solutions, we are committed to providing you with the best tools and insights to optimize your practice’s efficiency and patient satisfaction.

Thank you for being a valued member of our community. Stay tuned for more tips and updates in our next edition!

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